JamLegend turns your keyboard into a guitar

JamLegend turns your keyboard into a guitar
The real power of the site is in the collection of songs and the integrated social experience that lets you play with and against your friends. Unlike the console titles that limit you to a selection of licensed music from big-name bands, the songs on JamLegend are indie. That doesn't mean they're bad though; in fact most of the songs I played would be far more fun to play than some of the B-side tracks that fill out the set list on the console games.The service has an artist program that lets any musician get their tracks on for others to play. The team at JamLegend takes the track and adds the correct chords, complete with three different levels of difficulty that add more notes to the mix. According to founder Andrew Lee, this process takes about a week and a half to complete (per song), although it can go faster for "good tracks."In return for their music, beneath each track the musician gets links to places where users can purchase their song including iTunes, CDbaby, and MySpace.Each song is also tracked for plays and member high scores.To play a song with others, you can either pick to duel or do a showdown, which lets you play with more than a dozen others on the same track.CNET NetworksOf course playing with yourself is only fun for so long; part of the enjoyment is challenging others. To do this you simply set up "showdowns," which can support up to 19 other people playing the song against you in real time. There's also a duel mode, where you go one-on-one. Unlike console rhythm games, you don't actually see the other people strumming and missing notes. Instead it tracks their progress with a status bar that sits on the right of the display. You also get visual cues, like when they've surpassed you, or when you hit a big note streak. Afterward you can chat, talk smack, or start another round. There's also a rematch button that lets you jump back into another session with the same crowd--it's just brilliant.To keep users coming back, JamLegend uses an awards system that's been ripped off the Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero. You can gather more and more "groupies" by achieving certain feats, like hitting a 250-note streak, or scoring over certain point limits. There are also multiplayer achievements for beating others in competition. These points all add up to your special gamer score, which is stacked up on a leaderboard. Eventually users will be able to play more than just guitar. Also on the roadmap are bass, drums, and a keyboard, all of which will use the same general control method. In the meantime you can find the easy through hard difficulties for guitar on all 31 tracks. JamLegend is currently in private beta, although we've got 1,000 invites. To get yours, just go here. I've embedded a video of it in action below.JamLegend Trailer from JamLegend on Vimeo.